06 oct 2019 – 06 jan 2020, Mantua
For the Gulio Romano’s year celebration and Arte e Desiderio exhibition, a series of conferences is held in Mantua to analyse the relationship between Giulio Romano and the arts.
Download here the calendar of meetings (in italian).
Start date
Tuesday 08 october 2019
End date
Monday 06 january 2020
Archivio di Stato di Mantova
Via Roberto Ardigò, 11
46100 Mantova
Madonna della Vittoria
Via Claudio Monteverdi, 1
46100 Mantova
Palazzo Te
Viale Te, 13
46100 Mantova
Free admission subject to availability
Any changes to the program will be promptly communicated via web and social media
Promoted by
The programme is promoted and organised by: Comune di Mantova, Fondazione Palazzo Te, Amici di Palazzo Te e dei Musei Mantovani, Archivio di Stato di Mantova, Amici dell’Archivio di Stato in partnership with Electa