Marcello Jori

Marcello Jori was born at Merano in 1951. In Bologna, in the seventies, he began working as an artist using photography. Since the 1980s he has been a painter, writer, comic book author, illustrator and designer. Today he defines himself as a "complete artist".
Among the protagonists of the Italian art scene, he has taken part in three editions of the Venice Biennale, the Paris Biennale and two editions of the Rome Quadriennale. He has exhibited in national and international galleries and museums. He has contributed to "Linus", "Alter" and "Frigidaire", and magazines such as "Vogue" and "Vanity Fair". He has also designed covers for "la Lettura" and "Corriere della Sera", for which he writes frequently about art, not as a journalist but an artist. For Rizzoli, in 2016 he published the volume La storia dipinta dell'arte, a history of art wholly narrated and painted by him. He lives and works in Milan and Merano.

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