

Re-cycle Strategie per l'architettura, la città e il pianeta

curated by Pippo Ciora, Sara Marini

  • € 45,00

    Not available

The various esthetic forms of recycling and re-use expressed through materials, objects, buildings, cities and the environment. The 'state of the art' of how to deal with a highly topical issue to find possible solutions and future applications.

The exhibition is the result of a wide-ranging research project begun in the fall of 2010, which identifies “virtuous deeds” in the sphere of transforming landscape and towns, and in the field of experimenting with innovative strategies for recycling already-existing buildings. The research was conducted through projects, practical experience and programs of an experimental nature with a tendency towards innovation, also from the point of view of expression, a vital pre-requisite for an institution like the MAXXI which is so deeply involved in contemporary art and architecture. The exhibition is divided into two large areas. The first is organized into four specific sections: landscape, city, housing and architecture, and looks at projects, data and experience in Italy and abroad. The second examines experiences which consolidate the idea of creativeness associated with the re-cycling culture. Through these areas and the sustainability ethic, the aim is to seek and promote the search for “sustainability aesthetics”. Concurrent with the “Re-cycle” exhibition, a photographic section examines some of the aspects of the main theme of the exhibition through the work of contemporary photographers from Italy and elsewhere. The various esthetic forms of recycling and re-use expressed through materials, objects, buildings, cities and the environment. The ‘state of the art’ of how to deal with a highly topical issue to find possible solutions and future applications. Writers with various backgrounds and opinions are asked to reflect on the concept of recycling from original points of view, some of which are surprising. They include Aldo Bonomi, Enrico Ghezzi, Anthony Vidler and Sylvia Lavin.

17 x 24
paperback with flaps
Year of publication