
Ico Migliore, Mara Servetto

Museum seed The futurability of cultural places

Museum seed

€ 29,00

Drawing on the lengthy research and practice that the studio Migliore+Servetto has developed over its years of activity, this book offers a vision of the future of architecture and interior design for cultural spaces, presenting a new concept that revolves around the “Museum Seed” concept. The volume seeks to extend this investigation by bringing together fifteen voices from the world of culture: directors, curators, collectors, academics, architects, designers, journalists and psychologists discuss the theme of the future of cultural spaces, as places for socialising and creating community.

Like a seed the museum grows, changes and extends into an “augmented” version of itself, constantly evolving, moving between conservation and narrative, opening up to innovative forms of accessibility and inclusion. Inhabiting cultural spaces today requires a new way of planning capable of integrating architecture, design and graphics in the encounter with the evolution of technologies, the neurosciences and AI.

The volume is enriched with images of museum installations and international environmental installations created by Migliore+Servetto. The editorial project, supported by the Institute of Italian Culture in Seoul, represents a further step in an investigation that the Studio has been conducting for some time. It saw a recent opportunity for reflection in the conference “Museum Seed: the Futurability of Cultural Places. A Dialogue between Italy and Korea”, held in Seoul at High Street Italia on 27 October 2023. It was organised by the Italian Embassy in Seoul and the Italian Cultural Institute of Seoul in collaboration with the Studio.

21 x 26,5
paperback with flaps
Year of publication
Bilingual Italian/English