A new installation by the young Romanian artist, Chizhevskji Lessons, inspired by the great Russian scientist who studied phenomena related to the ionization of air
In her installations Micol Assaël draws on the laws and principles of physics to create mental environments. With minimalist interventions she forces boundaries and the ordinary course of things to arouse intense emotions in the art public. The Oberlichtsaal at the Kunsthalle is transformed in our case into a gigantic electromagnetic field, transmitting electric forces to those who dare to cross it’s the threshold. After a first tingling sensation, the body is charged with electricity and begins to react. To feel the effects of this invisible irradiation, it is sufficient to touch an object or another person. Contact with an element, charged with a different electric potential, is manifested by an electrostatic discharge, felt in the specific pain of the shock. And brushing up against another body produces a small spark