A volume that reconstructs the work of Michele Sanmicheli, one of the forces behind the fusion between Venetian construction practice and Roman architectural culture in the 1500s.
[Michele Sanmicheli. Architecture, language and artistic culture in the 1500s] The essays contained in this book reconstruct the main aspects of the work of Michele Sanmicheli, while shedding light on its relationship to the cultural developments of the early 1500s. Knowledge of the ancient monuments and, above all, a study of “modern” Roman architecture are essential references for an understanding of the architectural choices made by Sanmicheli. The interpretations of antiquity of Raphael, Antonio da Sangallo and Sansovino represent the premises for the research conducted by the architect from Verona, which were then enriched through dialogue with contemporary experiences of Giulio Romano, Serlio and Sansovino himself in Venice.
The result is an overview in which different perspectives overlap, making it possible to fully analyze the masterpieces of one of the greatest architects of the 1500s, and to retrace the complex cultural, social and political scene that permitted his work to emerge in its full artistic expression.