A selection of 25 videos from François Pinault's personal collection, artists who have always been appreciated by the great collector, like Adel Abdessemed, Bill Viola and Bruce Nauman.
The catalogue is part of a series of publications by Palazzo Grassi, conceived with the idea of creating unpublished interviews between authors/curators and the artists who participate in these exhibitions: couples like Quintin/Mircea Cantor, AlexandrKazerouni/Abdulnasser Gharem and Nida Ghouse/Hassan Khan. Among the works presented, we find artists who have always been appreciated by the great collector, like Adel Abdessemed, Caroline Bourgeois, Bill Viola and Bruce Nauman. More recent discoveries are also included (especially non-Western artists) in a continuous endeavor to “Multiply perspectives on the collection, compare it with different reference-points, explore its least-known, most unexpected and, at first sight, most contradictory repercussions”.