The history of Spanish painting from the origins to the 20th century, analyzed in terms of different axes of influence, style and clientele, with a fine selection of illustrations.
[Spanish painting] Spanish painting is always associated with the names of renowned masters, yet much of its heritage has remained in the shadows, due to the isolation that kept the country in a marginal condition with respect to the rest of Europe.
The authors recover the complexity of Spanish art, reassembling a unified but variegated image to shed light not only on the great masterpieces, but also on works and figures that have been overlooked by critical studies in the past.
The work outlines the evolution of Spanish painting from its medieval, pre-Romanesque and Mozarabic origins, through the Gothic and Renaissance periods, all the way to the marvelous developments of the 17th century, the so-called Siglo de Oro. Great attention is also devoted to analysis of recent centuries: the 1800s, with the currents of neoclassicism and realism, the 1900s with modernism and the tragic period of the civil war, and the latest trends in contemporary art.