Constructing the city of bits: a fascinating, necessary challenge. In a clear, direct style W.J. Mitchell examines in detail all the concepts needed to understand and design the new virtual spaces.
[City of Bits. Space, Place and the Infobahn] This is the Italian edition, edited by Sergio Polano, of Mitchell’s popular work: City of Bits. Space, Place and the Infobahn. A leading figure at the School of Architecture and Planning of MIT (also the home of the MediaLab of Negroponte & Co.), Mitchell addresses the complex, absorbing theme of new online construction technologies, asserting that the architecture of digital space is a new frontier, also for the profession: a space it is possible and necessary to invent and build in an appropriate way, making use of the expertise of architects who are informed of the existence and aware of the importance of the new “places”, and specifically qualified for the fascinating job of constructing the city of bits. Connection, virtual handling, interfaces, World Wide Web, @home are just some of the terms the “virtual” architect must deal with.