The history of Italian painting in the late 20th century, analyzed with reference to chronological segments, art movements and new techniques, with in-depth examination of different axes of influence and style, and a fine selection of illustrations.
[The 1900s / The latest research] This book illustrates the development of Italian contemporary painting. The presentation by Carlo Pirovano is followed by two large chapters by Enrico Crispolti, respectively on the 1970s and the 1980s-90s, and subdivided into essays examining the artistic currents that have characterized the visual arts, from the Transavanguardia to the Roman Abstract school, Expressionism to Anachronism, Postmodernism to the Neo-Conceptual.
The thematic section also illustrates the relationship between painting and activist criticism, the figures of great artists like Fontana and Burri, and the art market. The book includes a fine range of illustrations, with reproductions of famous masterpieces as well as less familiar materials, along with original photographs taken precisely for this publication.