La storia e l'evoluzione del monumento simbolo della Roma imperiale, con approfondimenti sui giochi e gli spettacoli in età romana.
[The Colosseum] This volume is the first in the series to be devoted to the history and evolution of a single monument. The introductory chapter approaches the theme of the games and spectacles during the Roman era, complete with penetrating inserts on specific topics, such as the epigraphs or the famous mosaic of Zliten, as well as institutional and legislative information on the games. The second chapter focuses on the architectural description of the Colosseum, examining the functioning of its staging equipment and mechanisms, and the hydraulic system for introducing and draining water.
The last chapter is on the life of the amphitheater over the centuries, from the opening in 80 AD to the rediscovery in the 1700s, with an evocative selection of representations of the Colosseum in different eras, including Roman coins, prints, paintings and 20th-century photographs.