The exhibition, which includes masterpieces from the Mart collections and prestigious public and private loans, narrates the origins and development of Divisionism. This movement played a key role in the Italian artistic renewal at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century, its follow on being found in vanguard Futurist work.
The summer exhibition proposed by the Mart di Rovereto for 2016, is the result of a massive work of collaboration that clearly confirms the international focus with which this administration wishes to characterize Trentino and its institutions. In particular, with the exhibition “The Painters of Light. From Divisionism to Futurism”. This relates to the great Italian painting of the early twentieth century which is to be rendered cosmopolitan yet once again. The paintings of our own great painters, now the heritage of the whole world, are to be first assembled in Madrid and then in Rovereto, reminding us that our roots run deep in the culture of beauty and change. The protagonists of this incredible exhibition lived at the turn of two centuries of decisive economic, historical and social transformation. In some ways, the times in which they lived are not so dissimilar from ours. Just as a century ago, we have to manage change with courage, ability and competence, all of which is essential in bringing about new ideas and projects in every area of life, particularly with regard to innovation and culture.