One of the protagonists of post-war Matera's most lively periods of town-planning, Ettore Stella, the architect from Matera, describes the spirit of renewal which prevailed in the town of the 'Sassi' at that time, through his works and projects.
Stella made his own professional and human contribution so that his home town, Matera, could be reborn. It was he who first denounced the appalling living conditions of the inhabitants of the ‘Sassi’. His work to modernize the town seems even more courageous and daring if we think about how emarginated Matera was during its brief existence. Stella introduced the new architecture, new excitement and new examples of International Modernism. Matera became a centre of research for town-planning and architecture and Stella was one of its pioneers. The book contains an introduction by Marco Mulazzani. One of the protagonists of post-war Matera’s most interesting and lively periods of town-planning and architecture, Ettore Stella, the architect from Matera, describes the climate and the spirit of renewal and liberation which prevailed in the town of the ‘Sassi’ at that time, through his works and projects.