Egitto Pompeiis the catalogue of the exhibition held from 20 April to 2 November 2016 at Pompeii, the second stage of the ambitious exhibition project inaugurated on 5 March 2016 at the Egyptian Museum, which concluded with the reopening of the Egyptian Collection at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples (8 October 2016). The exhibition focused on cults and fashions from the land of the pharaohs subsequently emulated and adopted in Pompeii. In the first essay Massimo Osanna traces the links between ancient Egypt and Campania, and between the Greeks, Phoenicians and Italic peoples, in the second Christian Greco explains the important role of funeral rites in Ancient Egypt while Marco Fabbri concludes with an in-depth look at the cult of Isis in Pompeii. The catalogue closes with an extensive array of photos by Alessandra Chemollo documenting the exhibition itself.