Catalogue of the exhibit Turner Monet Pollock. From Romanticism to the Informal It highlights the thought of Francesco Arcangeli, disciple of Roberto Longhi, central figure of the the critics and of the modern and contemporary history of art.
The exhibit follows Arcangeli’s critic thought that deals of the English romantics, in particular of Turner and Constable, going on with the protagonists of the french painting, Corot and most of all Courbet, while the Italian eighthundred is represented among others by Fontanesi, Fattori, Lega and Segantini. Regarding the first half of ninehundred the exhibit presents works of some artists loved by the critic, in particular Klee, Soutine, Permeke and the italians Carrà, and Morandi. The run ends with works by Wols, Fautrier, Dubuffet, de Staël, De Kooning, and most of all Pollock,witnesses of the informal stream that characterized the international art scene since after world war II to the fifties and that represented for Arcangeli the condition in which art and existence were inseparable as a result.