

Carta Bianca. Capodimonte Imaginaire

Carta Bianca. Capodimonte Imaginaire
  • € 22,00

    Not available

From an idea by Sylvain Bellenger and Andrea Viliani

The challenge launched by the Museo di Capodimonte was accepted by:
Laura Bossi Régnier, neurologist and science historian; Giuliana Bruno, professor of Visual and Environmental Studies, Harvard University; Gianfranco D'Amato, entrepreneur and collector; Marc Fumaroli, historian and essayist, member of the Académie Française; Riccardo Muti, conductor; Mariella Pandolfi, professor of Anthropology, Université de Montréal; Giulio Paolini, artist; Paolo Pejrone, architect and landscape architect; Vittorio Sgarbi, art critic and collector, writer and teacher; Francesco Vezzoli, artist.

The “box” Carta Bianca. Capodimonte Imaginaire is the catalogue of the exhibition of the same name that was installed at the Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte from December 12, 2017 to December 9, 2018. Its unusual form is designed to contain the result of the challenge the museum launched to 10 internationally celebrated figures in different fields of knowledge. Different people, with different sensibilities, education, culture, nationality and inclinations, were given carte blanche to become curators of their ideal room at the Capodimonte museum by freely selecting from ten of the 47,000 works it contains, the only condition being that they should explain their choice. The ten, independent rooms are recounted in as many small books. The eleventh book completes the box/catalogue with the introduction by Sylvain Bellenger and Andrea Viliani and twenty postcards, two for each room, displaying the installations and the works.

Year of publication