First issue of a series dedicated by the General Drection for the contemporary arts and architectures to the other projects of the Carlo Scarpa archivi in the collections of MAXXI architecture and that are in the process of cataloguing.
The book is the sistematic inventary of all graphic works (1583) boards, draws and sketches that shape the archive of the Carlo Scarpa project for the monumental Brion Grave at San Vito d’Altivole. The grave is the latest work of the venetian master, its project and execution have been engaging him since 1969, year in which he is assigned the commitment by Onorina, widow of Giuseppe Brion, the founder of the Brion Vega, till his death in 1978. Because of his own desire Carlo Scarpa is buried in the municipal cemetery of San Vito next to his final piece. Since the beginning of its construction the Brion grave has exercised an uninterrupted and more growing attraction on Italian and foreigners visitors and scholars, whom are visiting it all year round. The draws in the archive are made with the typical techniques by Scarpa free hand pencil, coloured pencils, Indian ink on very particular materials as the thin card “camoscio”, the yellow tissue papers that were given him by Louis Khan and three copybooks of draws and notes.