
Andrea Carandini

Atlante di Roma antica 1. Testi e immagini / 2. Tavole e indici

Atlante di Roma antica
  • € 150,00

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A team of experts from the La Sapienza University in Rome in collaboration with the Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma, aimed at gaining an understanding and painting a true of an Empire's capital city. Two volumes in slipcase.

This Atlas is the product of approximately 20 years’ research – conducted by a team of experts from the La Sapienza University in Rome in collaboration with the Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma – aimed at gaining an understanding and painting a true, updated and sometimes new picture of an Empire’s capital city. Illustrations created especially for this edition play a crucial “visual” role. As well as the surveys, graphs and numerous photographs of the works, the phase drawings provide a synoptic vision of the architectural constructions in the different urban areas and are interesting and scientifically innovative. Sure impact on the broader public is also guaranteed by the many large-format 3D reconstructions of major monuments. The first section of the work explores the city as a whole, the natural and historic landscape with its sacred enclosures and political-administrative divisions, the economic landscape showing places of production and trade and the social landscape (residential neighbourhoods and private property), the infrastructures (walls, roads, aqueducts, sewers) and the green spaces (horti) in an analysis that continues to the Middle Ages. The second section carefully describes the Urbs (city) and the 14 regiones of Augustus. Each chapter has a clear narrative text that traces the history of the single regio through stages that witnessed major urban changes and descriptive profiles and exhaustive captions illustrate the monuments and works of art. The Atlas was edited by Andrea Carandini, one of the greatest Italian archaeologists, who from his illuminating initial essay, emblematically entitled Roma, in volo e in picchiata, reveals his stance as an intellectual who has always been committed to a policy of communication and promotion of the cultural heritage, inescapably interlinked with the knowledge that ensues from scientific research and archaeological excavation, a forerunner to protection.

Volume 1. text and images. Volume 2. tables and index

Year of publication