The history of abstract art in the avant-garde period was essentially a male affair. The few women involved were largely related to the male artists and, despite their great commitment in private, were rarely visible at public events. It is only in the last few decades that there have been greater opportunities to evaluate and critically reinterpret the art created by women artists, especially in relation to their explicit or implicit commitment to feminism. Less widely investigated, however, is the activity of women artists who have contributed to the language of abstract art and are therefore less directly involved in feminist claims. This “forgetting” of the “other half of abstraction” is therefore added to the delay with which abstract art has been studied by critics, especially in the Italian context. The volume presents a series of studies that seek to fill this gap, both to turn the spotlight on forgotten women artists and to offer the opportunity to read and reinterpret abstraction in a broader panorama.
Astratte Nuove ricerche sull'astrazione delle donne tra avanguardia e neoavanguardia in Italia
curated by Elena Di Raddo, Bianca Trevisan