An impassioned overview of masterpieces of medieval and proto-Renaissance art in a beloved, admired region: critical rigor, impressions and memories.
[Art in Abruzzo] The articles gathered in this volume are the result a two-year stay of Enzo Carli in Abruzzo, from 1937 to 1939. Years the author considered the happiest time in his life, becoming acquainted with a region of incomparably beautiful landscapes and extraordinary art, with a wealth of historical heritage that still calls for exploration and study today.
The book contains writings that were, in a certain sense, “pioneering” works on the history of medieval and proto-Renaissance art in Abruzzo, with bibliographical-critical appendices by the author himself. Carli evokes impressions and memories, beautifully describing the perfect, harmonious setting of churches, streets and medieval piazzas, Renaissance religious architecture and sober, elegant Baroque aristocratic palaces. In a poetic introduction, Carli also offers us an impassioned overview of the region he so loved and admired.