A cognitive tool for the spread of 20th-century culture of silver work, stemming from the need to put together the "pieces" of a history left suspended at the end of the 19th century.
[20th-century Italian silver. From the decorative arts to design] Based on the need to put together the “pieces” of a history left suspended at the end of the 19th century, this book represents a cognitive tool for the spread of 20th-century culture of silver work, offering an overview of the range of activities and initiatives of the Museum of Contemporary Silver of Sartirana Lomellina (PV).
The catalogue of pieces, also containing images never previously published of prototypes, is preceded by a series of illustrated chapters outlining the points of reference for the selection of the pieces presented: history, languages, techniques and aesthetics are discussed in their connections to the different arts, starting with Art Nouveau, all the way to the formation of a specific discipline, that of design.