The Museo Nazionale Romano at their Palazzo Altemps, Crypta Balbi, Baths of Diocletian and Palazzo Massimo sites dedicates Thursday evenings in August to the words of great authors, with extracts of their works interpreted by actors from the Teatro di Roma’s Scuola di Perfezionamento, accompanied by musicians.
The readings (in Italian), produced by Electa and curated by Emanuela Pistilli, are included in the cost of the entrance tickets to the museum. The programme of readings, each lasting 45 minutes, is scheduled to enable visitors buying a multi-site ticket to attend two readings at two different sites on the same Thursday evening.

“Fuori Scena” brings live words and music to the Museo Nazionale Romano
Museo Nazionale Romano, Baths of Diocletian, a detail of the courtyard designed by Michelangelo