Special initiatives
08 oct 2019 – 06 jan 2020, Mantua
Palazzo Te again celebrates the genius of Giulio Romano, thirty years after the great monographic exhibition of 1989. The exhibition, set up in the Napoleonic Halls, explores the relationship between erotic images of the classical world and figurative inventions produced in Italy in the first half of the 16th century, exhibiting paintings, drawings and precious objects from twenty institutions, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York and the Hermitage, St. Petersburg.
Focusing on the work of Giulio Romano, the exhibition highlights the widespread diffusion of a vast repertoire of erotic depictions in 16th-century artistic culture and reveals the influences existing between high culture and low culture in their production. Giulio Romano: Arte e Desiderio (Art and Desire) is an integral part of the programme of exhibitions and events “Giulio Romano is Palazzo Te” (September 2019 – June 2020).
Start date
Sunday 06 october 2019
End date
Monday 06 january 2020
Palazzo Te
Viale Te, 13
46100 Mantova
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Curated by
Barbara Furlotti, Guido Rebecchini e Linda Wolk-Simon
Promoted by
Comune di Mantova, Fondazione Palazzo Te and Museo Civico di Palazzo Te. Organisation and production
in partnership with Electa