

Conversazioni di archeologia in Palazzo Altemps

02 may 2018



Conversazioni di archeologia in Palazzo Altemps

To mark the twentieth anniversary of the opening of Palazzo Altemps’s museum (1997-2017) the Museo Nazionale Romano, in collaboration with Terra Italia Onlus, is hosting Conversazioni di archeologia, a series of lectures inspired by the pieces displayed in Palazzo Altemps’s museum.

2 May 2018
Museo Nazionale Romano – Palazzo Altemps
Via di S. Apollinare, 8 – 5 pm.

Alessandra Ten
Iseo del Campo Marzio a partire dai frammenti conservati a Palazzo Altemps

A study initiating with remains from the Campus Martius Iseum Campense, or Temple of Isis, now in Palazzo Altemps. This work challenges the traditional reconstruction of this area of Rome’s Campus Martius through a comparison of the surviving archaeological evidence with a series of newly-discovered historical and archival documents.

Free entrance.

Luogo Rome
Data 5 February 2018
Orario 17.oo
Marchio Electa

  • Palazzo Altemps

    curated by Matilde De Angelis d’Ossat, Alessandra Capodiferro

    € 29,00

    Not available