

Conversazioni di archeologia in Palazzo Altemps

11 apr 2018



Conversazioni di archeologia in Palazzo Altemps

To mark the twentieth anniversary of the opening of Palazzo Altemps’s museum (1997-2017) the Museo Nazionale Romano, in collaboration with Terra Italia Onlus, is hosting Conversazioni di archeologia, a series of lectures inspired by the pieces displayed in Palazzo Altemps’s museum.

11 April 2018, 5 pm.

Matilde De Angelis D’Ossat

Ulisse ed Euriclea

Although we only have a small fragment of the relief depicting Ulysses, from his position and the iconographic elements we can deduce that this is a representation of the famous encounter between Ulysses and his old wet-nurse Eurycleia, upon his return to Ithaca. The lecture retraces the steps that lead to the identification of the exact moment of the Odyssey depicted in this relief, when Eurycleia recognises Ulysses and he silences her saying “Stay silent, so in these halls no one else finds out.” (Odyssey XIX, 486).

Free entrance.

Luogo Roma
Data 4 November 2018
Orario 17.00
Marchio Electa

  • Palazzo Altemps

    curated by Matilde De Angelis d’Ossat, Alessandra Capodiferro

    € 29,00

    Not available