Roberto Sambonet’s work ranges across design, graphics, and painting, eluding any facile classification. Instead of following him in his various fields of action, we sought for a common denominator to bring together his many-sided interests. Going beyond biographical annotations on an adventurous life, we have focused on the outlines of a way of thinking driven by a scientific interest in the creative act embodied in the project. Having accepted his suggestions and retraced the principal contours of a working method that comprised paintings, drawings, watercolors and objects, we have perhaps found the rules for a general theory of form. Not an array of formulas, but the pleasure of observing what happens if we expose the rigorous order of geometry to the challenge of freedom.
Texts and essays by Nina Bassoli, Elisa Camesasca, Matteo Iannello, Daniele Ledda, Enrico Morteo, Guia Sambonet and Marco Sammicheli.
Italian / english edition, translation by Richard Sadleir.
€ 45,00