

Plessi a Caracalla. Il segreto del tempo Exhibition to inaugurate the newly opened hypogeum space at the Baths of Caracalla

18 jun – 29 sep 2019

From Tuesday 18 June to Sunday 29 September 2019 a new section of the Baths of Caracalla hypogeum opens to the public with the exhibition Il Segreto del Tempo (The Secret of Time) by leading video artist Fabrizio Plessi, with music by Michael Nyman.
The exhibition, curated by Alberto Fiz, is organized by the Special Superintendence of Rome in collaboration with Electa
Plessi pays homage to the great history of Rome with 12 video installations in a new work along over 200 metres of the Baths hypogeum.
Water, fire, the history of the Baths, the Emperor Caracalla and more are all at the centre of an immersive experience celebrating the most sumptuous Imperial Baths in Rome.

Start date
Tuesday 18 june 2019

End date
Sunday 29 september 2019

Terme di Caracalla
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Roma

go to site

until 31 August: 9.00 am – 7.15 pm
1-29 September: 9.00 am – 7.00 pm
Mondays: 9.00 am – 2 pm

full: 11 Euros
reduced: 5 Euros
reductions and gratuity according to current legislation
+ 39 06 39967700
go to the website

Curated by
Alberto Fiz

Promoted by
organized by Soprintendenza Speciale di Roma, in collaboration with Electa