Another masterpiece on Chinese art, after the stunning success of the last book on Chinese painting. The aim of the book is to lead us to imagine, perceive and contemplate the stylized charm of the Chinese culture. By bringing together the best of Oriental art, its main objective is to enable readers to appreciate the beauty and absolute uniqueness of the flower in the culture of the Far East.
From orchids to bamboo, from chrysanthemums to peach blossoms, the aim of Chinese painters has always been to visually interpret the spirit of what they were painting and, equally, all the relationships that bind it intrinsically to the human soul. This book features almost 100 paintings of various types. For each one, there is an analysis of the composition, style, technique and artistic conception involved to enable readers to imagine, perceive and contemplate the huge charm of Chinese culture. Through its extraordinary paintings, this culture enables people to appreciate the unique aesthetics of its many art forms. Chen Huijie, who studied at the Academy of Fine Art in China, has already published the book La pittura cinese in Italy. Here is another splendid book printed on high-quality paper with double pages and hand-sewn seams that plunges readers into the essence of flowers, the most significant image of spring and enhancer of beauty par excéllence.