What happens if masterpieces of art are so tempting that they instil an unquenchable desire to own them?
You only have to read this handbook of “professional” advice to carry off the coup of the century. But, beware, stealing a masterpiece is no joke! It requires perfect knowledge of the location where it is kept, in-depth theoretical and technical preparation, calm, reliable accomplices and, last but not least, knowledge of the black market and an ability to go into hiding. If you prepare really thoroughly, you will be able to cope with unforeseen circumstances. The practical cases suggested here are as follows: the Mona Lisa, Rodin’s The Thinker, Tutankhamen’s funerary mask, Queen Elisabeth II’s Crown of State, the Leicester Codex, the fossil of Archaeopteryx Lithographica, and the Hope Diamond. This thought-provoking book reminds us that stealing is also an art, requiring imagination, creativity and technical skills. Rather like painting with oils.