

La città ideale L'utopia del Rinascimento a Urbino tra Piero della Francesca e Raffaello

curated by Alessandro Marchi, Maria Rosaria Valazzi

La città ideale
  • € 45,00

    Not available

At the Ducal Palace in Urbino, the three most important depictions of "The Ideal City" . The exhibition allowing the public to make a direct comparison between the three most important depictions of "The Ideal City", in-depth examination of city and architecture ring the Renaissance.

An unusual exhibition, organized jointly by Regione Marche, the Fine Arts Superintendency of Urbino, the University of Bologna and the Smart Centre of Excellence for research, the aim of which is to bring together the three paintings of “The Ideal City” currently located at the Ducal Palace in Urbino, the Walters Art Gallery in Baltimore, and the Staatliche Museen Gemäldegalerie in Berlin. For the first time, the exhibition allow the public to make a direct comparison between the three most important depictions of “The Ideal City” by making an in-depth examination of how the city and architecture were represented during the Renaissance, in the 15th and 16th centuries, using the natural context of the Ducal Palace in Urbino – where the three works were originally conceived. Through nine original sections (the medieval city, how architecture was depicted, the marquetry depiction of the city, flagellation in architecture, and so on), the exhibition provides an opportunity to take a fresh look at figures like Luciano and Francesco Laurana, Francesco Di Giorgio Martini, Leon Battista Alberti and many other leading figures of the time who worked as architects, artists and scientists in the capital Urbino, enriching the culture of the highly prestigious court of Federico da Montefeltro. The exhibition is laid out in a star-shaped format, with a series of routes or sections leading off from the central focus – the dome of Federico da Montefeltro’s library, under which the three paintings are displayed.

19,5 x 25
hardcover with coloured dust jacket
Year of publication