A synthesis of the phenomena and protagonists that have contributed, in the 20th century, to define what is commonly known as "graphics".
[abc primer. 20th-century graphics] A selection from the many historical and informative essays written by Sergio Polano over the last ten years, including published pieces, lectures and works never available before. In the first part the author sums up the main problems faced by a graphic designer. This is followed by a series of short chapters on the major graphic designers of the 1900s, from Peter Behrens to Tibor Kalman, El Lisickij to Max Huber, Alexandr Rodcenko to Ed Fella.
The illustrations and captions prepared by Pierpaolo Vetta provide clear examples to accompany the text.
The book is aimed at an audience of architects, but also all those working in the field of graphics, and the students of the new design schools.