The brilliantly irreverent writings of one of the most famous columnists in the Italian press.
By the author of the tome Arredi e ornamenti alla corte di Roma 1560-1795 (Electa 2004)”, here is a new book that is a great read. For some years Alvar González-Palacios has been a popular cultural columnist with the readers of the Sole 24 Ore and other Italian newspapers. This volume contains a collection of over ninety articles – which have come out over a period of twenty years – that recount and comment on facts, events and personalities on the current Italian and European cultural scene. His writings are divided into sections according to theme that range from literature, to art exhibitions, travel and subjects that particularly interest the writer such as collecting, the decorative arts, protection and conservation. González-Palacios paints his own very personal portraits of contemporary celebrities, at times they are openly admiring at others irreverent, but always lively and sincere, like the one of Federico Zeri, which is one of the most compelling in the book.